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Device under test, DUT - An Overview of Mass Interconnect

vendredi 28 avril 2023, par Alain STEVENS

Anatomy of a Typical Mass Interconnect Connection System

Device under test, DUT : One of the many options for connecting to the device under test is a bed of nails type fixture that can be mounted on top of the enclosure.

Mac Panel products, World leader in Mass Interconnect solutions for the ATE industry, are available from Cotelec.

An Overview of Mass Interconnect.
What is Mass Interconnect ?
Typically used in electronics test and measurement systems to provide a versatile connection between system instrumentation and the device under test (DUT).
Mass Interconnect is modular, rugged and can be thought of as a large and highly configurable plug and socket.
Why Use Mass Interconnect ?
Interfaces can be configured to meet any ATE I/O type, size or complexity
Offers a highly reliable connection every time.
Test fixtures can be swapped in minutes with confidence that the connections will work every time.
Simplifies ATE designs.
Provides a future proof and scalable system interconnection.
In summary, a mass interconnect offers a highly reliable system connection across many signal types and instrument platforms, in any I/O configuration
Mass Interconnect Options.
Mass Interconnect solutions are available in a variety of styles to meet the I/O and mechanical needs of an application. So which one is right for you ? It depends largely on application requirements ; the main choices are either traditional cabled mass interconnect or the newer advanced mass interconnect designs…
Traditional Cable Mass Interconnect.
Advanced Mass Interconnect

Voir en ligne : Device under test, DUT - An Overview of Mass Interconnect